Birth photographers are a community, just like Doulas and midwives. We are on-call for our birth clients and thus have to put our whole lives on hold. Sometimes, life gets in the way and you need to call a friend. It’s not often that I do this, however, it does happen.
Wren’s Momma was happy to book me knowing well that there was a chance I would be away for her birth. And yes, it happened. At the time, I was wrecked, and stuck (in the bushveld, literally). I called on Bronwyn from BLM photography who graciously took on this mammoth task for me. It was not her client and she had not been paid a cent for it (yet). She knew in her heart that birth moments are paramount, and priceless. She got up at night and photographed and videoed for this lovely family, on my behalf.
Now, this is why community is so important among birth photographers. You cannot do it alone. At some stage, you will need the help. Be nice. If you are a tog, find your community. It may only be one person, and that’s OKAY – but know this person has your back! I am forever grateful for Bronwyn. Thank you!
AND just look at these precious birth moments! WOW!
Photographed by Bronwyn (BLM Photography), edited and completed by me (Natalie, Creationography) Team work.
Note: ALWAYS pay your backup tog! They may have hearts of gold, but still have families to feed.