Natural Birth in Gauteng
Axel, a surprise baby BOY!
This little guy kept us waiting… however I did eventually get the call, Peta saying she ‘thinks’ things are happening and they were casually heading off the to hospital to check things out. She wasn’t sure about me coming at the time, however, with my knowledge of her precious two labours, being her third baby, I organized my day and met them at the hospital.
Pet was doing well, smiling and twinging but nervous about this being a false call. She was placed on the monitor and it seemed like things were slowing down. She told me I could probably go and do what I had planned for the day and that they would call me back when necessary. I listened with half an ear (I never doubt a Mom’s intuition). Once off the monitor and standing upright, Peta, starting to feel things moving along. It happened rather fast, and had I listened and left, I probably would have missed the birth! Pet progressed very quickly. So quickly, that her husband, James, hardly had time to complete the formalities and settle down into labour support mode. On his return, labour was well on its way and she was close to pushing.
Beautiful Axel was born! A few very intense and hard pushes and HE was here! HE was a big surprise! Both Mom and Dad seemed almost convinced they were having another girl! I remember the look on Peta’s face when she eventually realised ‘Hang on, what? A BOY?!’ It was a moment to be treasured!
Many thank you’s to Peta and James for allowing me into your sacred space – I am forever changed. Your picture perfect birth was incredible and I am humbled.
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