1 March 2013
My darling Eva,
I tried to remember, today, when you first smiled. Sadly, I have forgotten already. It’s time. It’s time for me to document, you!
It is almost time to celebrate your first birthday – wow, I cannot believe it! We are 10 and a half months in already! And it has been simply AMAZING!
As you know, it took me a while to connect with you in the beginning. But, fear not little one, the hook has since sunk in deep! I may not remember when you first smiled, but I do remember that when you did, I would curse “don’t smile at me, dammit, I’m cross!”. I would then utterly melt when your tiny head flopped onto my hand, in a deep sleep, whist winding you. You will see one day, what it does to your heart when you watch your precious newborn calmly fall into dreams.
You first sat up, albeit wobbly, at five months of age. I was so incredibly proud of you. I felt the weight lift off of me (no pun intended). It sounds funny, but I could finally go shopping and put you in the trolley seat instead of on me in the kangaroo carrier. A delight to be a whole 6kg lighter!
Three months later, you took your first real crawls! It was a rather crab-like crawl but it was a crawl nonetheless. To this very day, the style has stuck – a super cute one knee, one foot! We crawl proofed the house as best as we could and just let you be.
For some reason you love the toilet. I can’t understand it but you are attracted to it like a magnet. Oh and toilet paper… My bugbear – a toilet roll not placed on the holder – Yes, I live there! It seems you like Cat food these days. Maybe I should just give up the feeding struggle and give you the cats bowl – without a hesitation it will be in your mouth, ‘chewed’ and swallowed! Viola! 😉
Your walking days are near. You stand up against everything – furniture to the back of my knees. Now you begin to cruise. We await the big day…
You love to go for walks in your pram, and we love taking you! It calms you and sometimes puts you to sleep. We also started swimming lessons together. You must be the only baby who has NEVER (and I mean NEVER) uttered a moan in the pool! You can be absolutely exhausted but when your body is in the water a sense of calmness comes over you! It’s so wonderful!
You LOVE books… I no sooner dry you from your bath and you are off, starkers, to play with your books! It’s become a bedtime ritual. We play with books, read books, look at books, and eat books! I love it, it’s so much fun.
Oh boy, do you love to dance! Toys that play music are your BEST! Your bobbing up and down to the music melts my heart!
You have just started waving and pointing. It seems so mediocre yet we couldn’t be prouder! A tiny little hand wave (like the queen) makes my heart jump for joy and I could do nothing but smile, laugh and cry! You are interacting so nicely now; babbling ALL the time (especially when ‘reading’ your books!). It is so damn adorable.
My precious Eva, you have enriched my life like never before. Far beyond anything I could ever have imagined! You have exceeded my wildest dreams! You are so loved, from the tips of my toes to the depths of my heart! I am so incredibly proud of you!
I love you!
Craig Gornall
March 01, 2013
That is really BEAUTIFUL my Luv. You have captured how I feel about our Gorgeous Baby Girl as well!
De Mudder
March 02, 2013
So special and so lovely. And this is only the first 11 months – she will enrich your lives, day by day, year by year in big and little ways you never could have imagined.
August 31, 2014
Soooooo mooi en spesiaal!!!!!