the birth 23 weeks; 6 December 2011 Every mom-to-be sets out on a mission to have a natural birth, as if there are other options!! 😉 I have to tell you, things happen for a reason. At my temp job I was privileged to meet a wonderful Women by the name of Avis; a Sister, a Midwife, a Doula. Those who know me well know that when the day came I was sure as hell NOT pushing it out! It scares the living daylights out of me! Honest to God. There is not a day that goes by where I don’t think about it and fear it! Avis, passionate beyond words about women, birthing and babies! If it were not for meeting her, I would still be hell-bent! For sure! She has the most incredible passion and love for her work. And it can only be this passion that swayed my thinking. Me, yes, me. Terribly stubborn, me. I am so sad she will not be here for the birth of our little one, yet, she has made her mark; she made me realise what is best for Mom and Baby and that natural birth is just that, natural. Yes, […]