23 weeks; 6 December 2011
23 weeks and going strong… the baby of course! Growing, growing, growing! My tummy has now done the ‘pop’ to my utter disgust. Yes, I know there is a gorgeous sweet baby growing in there but common now, I just look F.A.T not pregnant! Urg.
They say in your second trimester you are to feel fabulous, like normal, just with a growing tummy! Really?! Pfft… I have NEVER in my life felt so many pains! Totally, being kept awake at night by an aching back, headaches, sharp shooting pains, spasms… and it’s not my beds fault!! Hmm… say goodbye to a good night’s sleep for GOOD! Let’s not fail to mention the gas pains here, again!!
On a brighter side, at around 19 weeks I started to feel some tiny movements…yes YOUR little movements, on my bladder of course!! Kind of like an urgent need to wee and then it would disappear – a pretty cool trampoline don’t you think! Mommy was always deprived as a child! There was no doubt in my mind that it was you, little Munchkin, playing around! Then, at around 20 weeks I told daddy to put his hand and ear on mommy’s tummy; your heartbeat for sure and a little nudge! 😉 Since, then, everyday, I feel your little kicks and movements… it is, without a doubt, the most reassuring feeling in the world!! I thank you! …Until the day you zap my ribs! ;p
So, at 22 weeks, we had our level two scan to check your little heart and organs and it was then that we found out what you are!! Boy or Girl. Because of my love, or rather infatuation, for the colour green, you remain a Boy OR a Girl! Shame, my poor child. I bet to spite me; you are going to throw up at the mere sight of it!! ;p