In more ways than one this dear wedding was a CELEBRATION! The joining of two hearts and two family and dum dum dum… MY FIRST WEDDING as a Photographer’s Assistant! The fantastic Heathyr Huss asked me to assist her at this wedding and was VERY kind to allow me to whip my own Cam over my shoulder *BIG grin*. YES! I was super stoked!
The 24th of September 2011, one day before my very own first wedding Anniversary, I joined Heathyr on this adventure filled day! Oh boy, the nerves were going crazy and of course I didnt know what to do where and felt completely flusted, but in the end, what great fun it was!!
Wow, I have a new found respect for Wedding Photographers! Actually, ALL Photographers! Before I set foot on this journey, I was clueless (for loss of a better word, but so TRUE)! I even asked some non-pro friends to Photograph my own wedding, not even thinking twice about the huge task I was asking of them! Man O Man!
Well, let me just say, friends, think about the Photographer’s job. You have expectations right, as a customer. You want stunning pics of course. The Photographer has the hard job of making sure they get ‘that’ shot! Would you not be mortified had you paid so much for a Photographer for them to miss out on the first kiss, flower girl, ring barer, grand enterence, first dance, throwing of the garter… You got my dift! You expect it right. Its a high pressure job!
As a pro-wanna-be Photographer myself 😉 I only have ‘this’ amount of Camera equipment which weighs about 30kg and breaking my back as I run around trying to make sure I get ‘that’ shot! I/We are only human. They are only Human. We sweat and cry and hope to god our memory cards don’t fail us! We pray our computer doesnt crash and our computer camera connection works properly. We pray that Photoshop and Lightroom are in working order and can handle the load; we save our edited images, again, and again… AND AGAIN! We pray until the cows come home that our equipment, our livelyhood, doesn’t get nicked!! What a stressful job! Ok, by now you are probably laughing your head off! But I swear, it is REAL!
Right, the ranting over!
This being my first wedding I couldnt help but show you all (well, almost ;)) the Pics! I am really chuffed with them! *noddy badge* And rather glad I was not Heathyr!
Enjoy Folks!!
Tiffany Burnham
October 11, 2011
Congrats Natalie! These are beautiful 🙂
Natalie Gornall
October 11, 2011
Ahh thanks dear! 😉
Samantha Choles (@samcholes)
October 11, 2011
Did you take all of these? They’re stunning!
Natalie Gornall
October 12, 2011
Thanks Sista! ;p All my Pics!