This little Man has got some super-dooper energy! Mum really does have her hands full! He is gorgeous – the easiest little fella to photograph. He took one look at me and I got all the smiles! Was wonderful! Thank you mummy, Anine, for letting little Christopher just ‘be’. Cute Christopher, full of beans! Getting half of Christopher in my frame was a common occurrence… ants in those pants for sure! Little mischief!! Precious Ooooooh… Mummy letting me play in the water… 😀 Oh I see my friend… oh oh oh… Boystrous Christopher just about knocked little Samantha off her feet! Too cute!
Little Jodi is a real character. A funny and feisty little thing! What a personality she has got! She is bold with a very sensitive side – gorgeous soul! I absolutely loved shooting her. I had so many laughs. Jodi was terrified of the big Dogs on the farm and clung to mummy for dear life (so precious!) but heck when she found her feet again, it was play play play! Adore this… flying in the water! So sweet! Jodi knows all the moves to all the nursery rhymes… and mummy too! hehe This to me, is just tooo precious. mwah Jodi smell the flower… 😉 Mummy… eat!!