Handsome Cameron, born to the wonderful Frances and Lloyd!
His arrival sounded wonderful! A two and a half hour FIRST labour! Dad told me that Mom had period-pain-like cramps that evening and thought that maybe they should start timing the ‘pains’… to their surprise, they were 5 minutes apart! So at midnight they headed to the hospital and Mr Cameron arrived early hours of the morning, weighing a wonderful 3.7kg! WOW! Both Mom and Dad, are overjoyed.
I cannot believe how easily both Lloyd and Frances have taken to parenthood. They are both incredibly calm. Cameron, at 11 days old, is so very alert and strong! Just look how he holds his head up!! Thank you, Lloyd and Frances, for inviting me into your home to photograph your wonderful new born baby, Cameron! He is delightful!
De Mudder
August 21, 2013
They’re lovely pics of such a special time. Beautifully captured.
Natalie Gornall
August 23, 2013
Thank you, M! 🙂
Elisma Bothma
September 02, 2013
Beautiful pictures of our stunning friends! Two amazing parents with the most adorable babyboy…STUNNING!
Natalie Gornall
September 16, 2013
Thank you Elisma! 😉 Cameron is truly blessed!