I absolutely ADORE these two, they just love my lens! I’ve photographed them before and absolutely loved the results, but these are just to die for! I was so DIEing to post some of these pics before delivering them to Carolina but she mentioned to me that this was a surprise for all her family back home in Brazil – It was killing me!! Little Stella is now 6 months old and I cannot believe how she is changing and becomming more and more beautiful! Well done Mum! and Dad… 😉 Sooooo much of cuteness! mwah! Oh my I could eat this up!
Yes, I am a little slow… I was clicking through my pics the other day and saw these, and thought to myself, gee, we had a really great Christmas and it deserved some attention! It was our first, after having moved to the Cape, and I was determined not to spend it alone! So in Joburg, we were. It was baby’s first christmas too… in mommy’s tummy! 😉 Lovely little family… These two are quite something together… as you can just imagine! Hmm…. ????!!! An Oh so lovely Xmas lunch by Sam, my sister-in-law… YUM it was! and I did find the home-made mince pies!! Hmm what did father christmas bring me this time?! 😉 Mmm… Scrumptious!!